Expresses its confidence. Scene girls are safe and confident in themselves that is a great quality. Trust is what allows scene girls appear completely at random and be agreeable to those found. The best way to get your confidence is obviously courageous behavior and lots of laughter. Note that arrogant or rude and immature behavior is not bold.
¿I can suggest that they act more spontaneous? It is a day of snow and ice you want a banana? The attitude of the scene says: "So what to do!" Randomness is only done when they want, rather than every time.
Wear the right clothes to fit in your closet is where to start. Skinny jeans can be used to reproduce their appearance. For fun, reflect your mood by adding random t-shirts with cartoon characters or humorous text. Converse or ballet slippers would be a great variety of shoes.
You need to have a good time with your appearance. If you can handle the maintenance and pain you can add a piercing. At that time, started with the hair and cosmetics. You must choose eye shadow or bright metal on a wide variety of bright colors. To create the complete look add a bit of mascara. For head bangs that are simple and elegant, to the salon for a haircut again. His personal style will determine the time to go for a direct blockade or a choppy layered look. Use metal clasps, or a simple headband to pull the hair back.

Become a part of the scene. Look up and create pages on Facebook and MySpace. If you want to be a scene girl you must do this. It is important to add photos of yourself to your area of social networks that emphasize fun and happy moments in your life. Spend some time designing your MySpace page with photos, music and message as its reputation as a scene girl can make or broken on this site. Keep your friends up on your social networking site.
You can see more girls on MySpace scene. MySpace has dozens of pages of scene girls can emulate and learn from them and they are waiting to become a new friend for you too. To find two messages to each other adolescents, is attentive to the music they enjoy listening and the jargon they use to communicate with each other. Then the people who look up, make themselves known.
Enjoy! Scene girls are not afraid of going around the bush and a little fun, or even a lot of fun. Have fun with your friends, but enjoy being yourself at the same time. Demonstrate how unique and fascinating they are, following their interests with passion.
If you can go out and meet people, after being a scene girl will be easy. First, with fashion, mixing new pieces with which they already possessed, and only make some minor adjustments to your look. You can quickly become a child of the scene if you put your MySpace page as soon as possible.