New Classics by Sandy Spring Builders, Pt. 2

Exterior of the Bradley Green Home in Bethesda, MD

The other day, we wrote about New Classics by award-winning Sandy Spring Builders, based in Bethesda, MD.  They've entered into a partnership with Haven Custom Homes, a modular home manufacturer, to create a line of high-quality modular homes, that are rich in architectural detail.

Click here to see how the process works: You can select your model, floorplan and even customize the exterior of your New Classics home.

Today, we'll go into green features of a New Classics home.  As per the New Classics' website, the "systems-built construction has a smaller impact on the environment than traditional building methods..."

Less construction waste is created, because materials are carefully planned and utilized. 
A large portion of the framing process happens inside a climate-controlled factory, so there are far fewer trips to the construction site.
The paints...are all low VOC.
There is significantly less noise pollution in the neighborhood.
(They) waste whenever possible.
(Their) 30-year warranted Tuff-n-Dri foundation waterproofing membrane provides an unsurpassed barrier against water infiltration.
New Classics homes "require less energy to operate," which is a feature most people will love during freezing winters and scorching summers when utility bills tend to skyrocket.
(New Classics') insulation values are up to 50 percent higher than standard homes because (they) use 2x6 lumber on exterior walls.
The home has a tighter building envelope because all penetrations on exterior walls are sealed; so less energy is required for heating and cooling.
(They) use water-saving Kohler fixtures.
(They) use ENERGY STAR-rated appliances throughout the home.
(Their) Low E windows and insulated exterior doors receive among the highest efficiency ratings on the market.
(They) use local products and local craftsmen whenever possible.
Hot water pipes are insulated to retain the temperature.
They've also "joined forces with a number partners to incorporate further energy management and practical green technology into the Bradley Green Home," which you can visit to get a first-hand look at their finished product.  For example:
A smart meter-based energy management system reports and reacts to electricity consumption parameters designated by the homeowner. Bethesda Systems, Inc. is (their) trade partner on this component.
A geothermal heating and cooling system will control the air temperature in the home. Geothermal systems emit no greenhouse gases and reduce operating costs by up to 70 percent. William H. Metcalf & Sons, Inc. is installing the geothermal system; Easterday Well and Pump drilled and laid the earth loops.
(They have) installed a solar hot water system that transmits rooftop heat to the tank that holds hot water for use throughout the home. This system lowers the energy requirements of the home. Solar Energy Services, Inc. is (their) trade partner on this feature.
The first living retaining walls in the Washington, D.C., area have been installed in the backyard to control erosion. These green walls enhance the aesthetic beauty and help cycle carbon dioxide and oxygen. Fine Earth Landscaping is responsible for the living retaining wall construction.
A rainwater collection system has been installed by Clearwater Landscape. Rainwater will be captured from downspouts; shuttled to a 3,000-gallon underground storage tank; and filtered and pumped back out for irrigation purposes, washing cars, and hosing off decks. This reduces demand on municipal water systems, reduces the need for fertilizer use, and keeps water runoff from the property out of the storm sewers. 
All exterior landscaping features drought-tolerant turf and native plants. These help reduce water demand and maintenance, while preserving indigenous species.  
We've also posted a video below, which shows the Bradley Green Home "from set to completion."  It's absolutely amazing.

To learn more about New Classics by Sandy Spring Builders, visit their website or, if you're in the Washington, DC Metro Area, visit the Bradley Green Home at 5312 Bradley Boulevard, Bethesda MD 20814